We all have relationships problems. We love and then we get hurt and then we love again. Relationships just never come with a guarantee peace sign. We are all struggling against relationship problems. Whey is that? Why do we get jealous and why do we argue all the time? When we’re single, we don’t have problems but when we start dating, many problems fall in again. Why is do we have so much problems? What can we do to resolve problems?
If you have severe relationship problems, you might benefit from therapy. Therapy will help you recover from all of your mis-communication and arguments. Therapy is like an ice pack and you will get better with therapy. If you’re not trained in the therapy department, you can go to a therapist and they will help you resolve your problems. It’s hard for an average couple to settle their problems without therapy. You might need professional help. People will not be able to come to term unless they seek help from a professional. I’ve seen my parents fight for twenties years and they’re no where ready for settling down their problems. They’ve never seek help. I’ve been trained in the therapy department so I tried to help them resolve their problems but they won’t listen. They’re stubborn and it’s all about who can be in control. They want to come out of the argument winning. It’s not about settling down their problems but it’s about who can win. I think many couples don’t want to settle their problems sometimes. They want to see who can win.
Give up fighting
It’s time to give up being the winner. I know many couples who continue their fights because they want to be winner. They want to win every single time. It’s time to give it up and just enjoy your relationship. I noticed that people love to argue. They love to win the arguments. They get some sort f satisfaction over it but you shouldn’t treat your relationship that way. I know some people who are so far in the relationship that they can’t do anything but argue until they run out of breath. It’s time to give up and be responsible adults. I know my parents don’t like to give it up. They don’t want to give it up. They want to continue to fight. It’s weird but some old couples just can’t get enough of fighting on a daily basis.
Why is fighting important to you?
It’s time to sit down and think about the quality of your relationship. Why is fighting important to you? Will it make you happier if you fight or if you are silent? Would you rather choose fighting over your relationship? You won’t gain much from fighting but you will gain more if you stop fighting. It’s time to consider what is important in your relationship. When it’s important you can stop fighting.
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Written by kay_pierre
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